Academically speaking, I work with
classroom teachers and parents/guardians alike to help students meet academic
standards as well as supporting them in setting goals for academic success. Working
with students individually or in small groups, the goal is often to develop the
skills surrounding organization, study habits, and time management. Indirectly,
I strive to minimize personal, social, and emotional berries that may negatively
impact academic performance.
For a
list of available tutors (Reading and Mathematics), please contact me at:
[email protected] or 717-258-6484 ext. 2129
Gifted Programming is provided in all
buildings at South Middleton and is referred to as the Special Interest Program
or SI. It can consist of a pull-out enrichment program, grade or subject
acceleration, and/or modified classroom instruction. The make-up of your
child’s gifted program is based on your child’s needs.
gifted children will opt to participate in the pull-out enrichment program at
the elementary level. Usually, children miss Language Arts or Reading
instruction in order to participate in SI as most are quite able in these two
areas. In general, teachers do not ask SI students to make-up the classroom
work they are missing. Occasionally, due to scheduling problems or numerous
interruptions to instructional time, teachers will need to ask your child to
complete a missed assignment at home or during a scheduled flex period.
students have Special Interest 100-120 minutes per cycle. During Special
Interest time, students spend four months completing an independent study,
three months on a group unit and two months doing inventions. The first 10-15
minutes of each class is used for a critical thinking, creative thinking or an
effective activity.
contact me ([email protected] / 717-258-6484x 2129) if you are interested in having
your child screened for the Gifted Program or would like to learn more about the Gifted screening process.