Elementary Student Assistance Program (ESAP)
ESAP is a team of faculty, staff, and local human services agency personnel. Their job is to identify the needs of students at the elementary level, refer them for additional support as needed. Support may include school-based interventions and/or outside programs. ESAP team members have been professionally trained in matters of dealing with the identification of student's needs and the removal of barriers to learning within the school environment.
How do I get involved?
Anyone can refer someone to the ESAP. Teachers and other school staff who are concerned about a student can make referrals. However, referrals are not limited to school staff. If you would like to make a referral, you can directly contact someone from the ESAP team or speak to an elementary teacher.
What happens after a student is referred?
A member of the ESAP team will request that you sign a permission form giving consent for the team to collaborate about your child. Once signed, the ESAP team will begin to work with you and your child. If you need more information before making a decision, please let the ESAP team know. Participation is voluntary. If you do not sign the permission form, the ESAP team will not become involved, though school-based interventions may continue to ensue. Please know that if your child is referred, it is out of care. Someone has recognized the need for support that may enhance your child's success both inside and outside of school.
Confidentiality Statement
The ESAP team is committed to the utmost confidentiality in all aspects of the intervention process. Matters brought before the team members will not be shared outside the team, unless there is a professional/parental need to know or the school has obtained a signed release to an associated partner. Additionally, as school personnel, ESAP team members are mandated reporters and will report to the proper authorities suspected cases of child abuse.
Cumberland-Perry Counties Children and Adolescent Service System Program
Cumberland-Perry Counties Children and Adolescent Service System Program (CASSP) is a service of the Cumberland and Perry Counties Mental Health / Mental Retardation Program. Elementary School-Based CASSP’s mission is to enhance opportunities for the successful educational, emotional, familial, physical and social functioning of elementary school-aged children who may be at risk in one or more areas. The services of the social service worker are offered free of charge.
Elementary School-Based CASSP helps families and schools access community resources which may include help with:
Basic Needs: food, clothing, shelter / housing
Behavior Management
Financial Matters
Medical Needs
School Concerns
Summer Programs
Support Groups