Mission Statement
To foster and promote a safe and positive school environment that enhances student learning and staff well-being through teaching and recognizing positive student behavior.
Program Overview
The School Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support system (SWPBIS) has been adopted by Iron Forge Elementary School to promote a safe and positive environment within our school community. Using the guided release model approach to teach appropriate behavior, the faculty and staff of Iron Forge will explicitly teach the types of behavior we hope to see from them. The areas of focus are: the classrooms, bathrooms, playground, cafeteria, hallways, and buses. We developed specific expectations for each area. These expectations form our slogan: Every Bubbler CARES. Each student is encouraged to show better behavior by following these expectations in order to shape themselves into becoming their Best Bubbler.
Throughout our school and at each location, students are reminded of our CARES expectation for that particular area. The expectations are broken down into four general categories:
C - Compassion
A - Accountability
R - Respect
E - Effort
S - Self-Control
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Team Members
Olivia Flickinger, 3rd Grade Teacher
Brooke Butler Wagner, Parent Representative
Hannah Galen, 4th Grade Teacher
Holly Bush, Instructional Aide
Tina Mohler, Autism/Emotional Support Teacher
Trisha Reed, Building Principal
Amanda Sheaffer, 5th Grade Teacher
Amanda Windhausen, English Language Development Teacher
Rob Waynick, Physical Education Teacher
Brad Zell, Math Interventionist
Aron Kunkel, School Counselor
Cherie Darhower, Gifted Support
Kristen Lebo, Office Staff
Casey Cappello, Educational Consultant Capital Area Intermediate Unit